Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in forever! I've been working on another blog mainly, but have decided that I prefer Blogger. It's easier to use as far as copying and pasting my written articles and I like the user-format better. I'm going to continue to post new articles, but I need subscribers!! A lot has changed since I first started THIS blog. I am still working as a jail nurse, but my writing has picked up a lot more. I started writing for Demand Studios a few months ago, and I am learning so much, so quick, and getting paid to do it. I started writing articles for them that they were selling to eHow. Then, they hired me to write for, and Livestrong Health. I write medical articles for these two sites. I've written SO many articles for them, but once they are sold to Demand Studios they are no longer my property, so I can't post them here. I still write for Associated Content just for fun, and also write a few for eHow that are not associated with Demand Studios. I will post those articles and any others that are still my property here on this blog. So, if anyone has any special requests for an article they would like me to write, or medical articles, just email me at or send me a comment through my blog and I'll start researching, writing and posting. Thanks, and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!



  1. Hi Iva, Sounds like you are kept busy writing articles from a natural medical point of view. I have to admit, that's my primary interest, so I'd love to see more of that on your blog here! I feel you are on the front lines and have some information to share. Plus, you can do it with an anecdotal focus. Happy 25th year: it's a spectacular time of life! All my best, Sandra

  2. Thanks so much! Thanks for the great advice from an experienced and established blogger.
