Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to Meditate with Water

More and more people are incorporating meditation into their everyday routine. Water meditation is an excellent practice to learn and is very simple and effective for beginners and experts alike! Think about it, all of the water on our planet now, is the SAME water that was on our planet when it was formed. What kind of knowledge and healing properties do you think our water is capable of?

1. Fill your bathtub with water at the temperature you prefer for a nice, comforting bath.

2. If you wish to use essential oils, place a few drops into your bath and mix them into the water with your hand. Lavender and ylang ylang are great choices for relaxation and meditation.

3. Step into the bath and relax into a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. This will allow your lungs to fully expand and oxygenate your body tissues. Do not breathe with your upper chest, but instead with your belly.


Before entering the bathtub, but after the water is drawn, thank the water for the healing benefits that you are about to receive. It may sound crazy but it works.

If you don't have a bathtub, you can do the same in a nice warm shower as the water flows over you.

When you are ready to exit the bath, do not sit or stand up quickly. You will be in a very relaxed sit and have had your eyes closed. Sit and stand up slowly to prevent possible falls.

Some essential oils are not safe for the skin. Consult an associate at a health food store, or where you purchased the oil, about which oils are safe for this purpose.

Never ingest any essential oils as they can be fatal when ingested.

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